An armored vehicle can be that open canvas. With an enormous amount of steel, operators of armored vehicles can utilize unused spaces in ways never before possible by implementing the magnetic Tac-Tote line of products. Without costly modifications, users can experiment with different placements deciding on what does and doesn’t work best and even establishing a variety of standardized staging locations depending on the particular call out requirements.
An example of this is seen here using two Tac-Tote RIP Panels to secure a JN Tactical ladder to the side of a Lenco Bearcat. In this case only one RIP Panel would be necessary to keep the ladder snug to the wall which would allow operators to stay focused on safe hand holds during travel, having two would really keep it there for sure. Some vehicle makes and models are better than others for this technique but this is an excellent illustration of how Tac-Tote products can provide unique solutions when pre-staging equipment prior to an event.