There’s that word again………No.

I was hip deep into the process of trying to figure out everything that needed to be accomplished before I would announce to the world the existence of the Tac-Tote product line. It dawned on me that what I needed to do was to get some sort of validation of my product idea. The best […]

Who would manufacture my products?

While I was in California meeting with my soon to be magnet supplier, I was also able to meet with a small time one person manufacturer that I was made aware of from a friend who had some work done by him. I was looking to get some prototypes made of the Tac-Tote product with […]

The Great Magnet Search

The terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11th, 2001 brought massive attention to this nation’s Nuclear Power Industry. Millions upon millions of dollars were spent over a period of years to increase the overall safety of the power plants in this country which in large part meant increasing all things security. Responder positions […]

From The Beginning, The Story Of How Tac-Tote Was Created

When I first came home from an almost ten year stay in the state of Hawaii I was fortunate enough to land a job at a Nuclear Power Plant located in Southern Vermont. I had a high school education and a few years in the United States Marine Corps working in a field that didn’t […]